22 Apr

Many years ago, one of the sermons at my church was on the positioning of believers in Christ.  I do not recall who gave the sermon, but I have always kept the notes and look at them periodically.  I may be quoting or paraphrasing.  I simply do not know.  But my notes state that as believers in Christ we are positioned for promise.  Then my note says read Joshua.  God gives believers defining moments.  Places that God leads us to and works among us and only later do we see the full impact. We were given 4 action steps, there may have been more. 

  • Rehearse the promises of God.
  • Reflect on the faithfulness of God.
  • Rejoice in the mercy of the King.
  • Realize that it is Christ in you who gives you the power to receive God’s promise.

 I normally do daily, devotionals.  Sometimes I miss a day or so but try to make it a daily routine to read God’s word and let my spirit take it in. Within the last ten years I have been putting dates in my Bible when the Lord gives me a promise.  He has been faithful.  “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19 The passage from Numbers is true.  God is faithful in all things.

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