Are border walls biblical?

Many ancient countries had border walls to protect them. Canaan prior to the defeat by the Israelites, Sumeria, Athens, and Israel, are a few.

Many countries today have erected security walls.

Walls have historically been built to keep citizens safe from enemies.

Joshua 6:1
New King James Version
The Destruction of Jericho
"6 Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in."

The United States today does not care about its borders. We encourage people from other countries to freely come here without caring for the current citizens. What is the tax burden going to be on the current citizens to care for these non-citizens? How can we afford to send money to other nations to support their citizens?

The United States is not a wealthy nation!

“The U.S. has $23.5 trillion in debt…”

“President Joe Biden has lifted the US annual refugee cap, bowing to backlash from his party after he initially opted to stick by the Trump-era figure. The Democratic president is raising the cap from 15,000 to 62,500 after outrage from progressives and refugee agencies.” What burden will this put on the average citizen?

“Biden, who took office on Jan. 20, has called for $4 billion in development aid to Central America over four years to address underlying causes of migration. On Friday, the White House requested $861 million from Congress for that effort in Biden's first annual budget proposal. That would be a sharp increase from the roughly $500 million in aid this year.”

“DETROIT -- An announcement by General Motors that it would invest more than $1 billion at a Mexican factory that will build electric vehicles has angered the United Auto Workers union.
GM said Thursday in Spanish on its Mexican website that it would make the investment at its Ramos Arizpe plant, which will become its fifth factory to make battery-powered vehicles. Three others are in the U.S., with another in Canada.”

How does this help employment in the United States? Is it possible they made this decision knowing of the corporate tax hike? What incentives are we giving corporations to create jobs in the United States?

“The current U.S. unemployment rate is 6.0% for March 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said in its monthly report, released April 2, 2021. This unemployment rate is 0.2 percentage points lower than in February. 1 2” *

Unemployment by state can be found at

Biden intends to increase corporate tax from 21 percent to 28 percent. “Moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) said on Sunday that she would not support the proposed 28 percent corporate tax rate in President Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan, saying jobs would be lost.”

He plans to increase taxes on couples earning $400,000 and singles $200,000. Mr. Biden proposes returning the top tax rate on income over $400,000 to 39.6%. That is what it was before Trump's tax cut of 2017 lowered the top rate to 37%.
But as with all income taxes, that represents the so-called marginal rate, meaning that in this case it only applies to income over $453,000. Mr. Biden's increase could cost a couple making a combined $800,000 a year an additional $5,200 a year in taxes. A couple with household income of $2 million could pay an additional $36,500 a year.”

That may sound great to the citizen not in that tax bracket.

According to the Census Bureau 331,449,281 people live in the United States. About 1 percent of Americans make more than $400,000. And that 1 percent is going to pay for the infrastructure package and support the migration of 62,500 people annually.

The people coming here do not have resources to support themselves.
Where are the jobs going to come from so these people can support themselves?
Why is it that the United States must not have borders? What makes that immoral? ”65 countries are building or have already built border security walls.”
Why do citizens of the United States have to pay the bill for this?



7 Famous Border Walls - HISTORY

For a list of cities with “defensive border walls see

Stock image of wall from Word.