16 Aug

Proverbs 16:9

New American Standard Bible

9 The mind of man plans his way,

But the LORD directs his steps.

I had recently taken a position as consultant in Redding, California.  I flew into Sacramento and took a rental car to Redding.  On the way I ran over something in the road I could not avoid.  It punctured the tire.  Not knowing how bad it was I made it to Redding.  It was then I realized my tire was going flat very quickly and my phone was down to 25 percent.  I called AAA then realized I had insurance on the rental.  I tried calling the rental, it was a thirty-five-minute wait just to have the phone answered.  I recalled AAA and within 20 minutes someone came to help me.  Since it was a rental the only thing, he could do was tow the car to a tire place which would not open until morning.  

Prior to his arrival I prayed to God mentioned I knew no one in Redding and asked for his help.  The tow driver called his wife who wound up taking me to a hotel.  Once inside the manager said they had no rooms available.  He contacted another hotel in the city, just a few blocks down.  He reserved a room for me and drove me there.  

God was faithful as always.  Praise God!

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