01 Feb

God gave you free choice, yes there is a God.  You can accept or deny Him.  He would not force anything on you.  

Regardless of your belief, which is your right, He did send Jesus into the world to save people. 

Eternity has two destinations Heaven and Hell.  You probably don’t believe in those either which is your right.  However, they do exist and you will end up in one of them, the choice is yours. 

Jesus was a eunuch by choice.  He supported family values.  Yes he did suffer which was his choice.  God sent him into the world for that purpose.  He did it willingly. 

The poor were Jesus followers, they were not ignorant.  Society has always had classes that range from extremely poor to extremely wealthy.  Some were vagrants, but they were not disinherited by God. 

I take it that you are quoting Ragnar Redbeard.  "What did he do that was so great?"  He taught love and peace.  He did labor at times; he was a carpenter.  His purpose was to preach the Kingdom of God to all that were willing to listen and offer his life for there sins.  Yes all people sin.  If you do not believe in the values God set forth, you have your own and at time will violate your own values.  

Dying on the cross was heroic.  But he didn’t come to be a reigning king, he came to be a servant. 

He will return one day as the reigning king whether you believe it or not. 

Humans do have wisdom.  God created man with a brain.  The world has its ideas of wisdom, but true wisdom comes from God. 

Please tell me what is grand and noble in your eyes. What is your life worth living or dying for?  What has value in your life? 

Kings did fear him.  Herod tried to find him and kill him.  The religious leaders of the time feared him. Pontius Pilate washed his hands of his death saying Matthew 27:24 (KJV)” When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.” 

What madness, submissiveness and degeneracy has he infected the world with.  Please list what you believe these are. 

Science can be substantiated in the Scriptures.  Many Christians today are scientists. Christians are not ignorant they are well educated regardless of the level of education. 

Yes, he did come to preach love, brotherhood, and equality.  Do you not believe in those values?  Do you believe hate, racism, and inequality?  Are you by chance a white supremacist? 

The Old Testament was written for the sons of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  But Isaiah 49:6 states “And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth” Isaiah was a prophet for the Jews. 

Christians are not slaves.  We are free by choice.  We do not have to be in bondage to hate, fear, bitterness, retribution.  We are free to forgive, love and offer peace and hope to others. 

I certainly do not want to impose my views on you.  God gave you free will.  He will honor your free will, he honors mine. Regardless of your choice He loves you and until the day of your death he is willing to accept you as his son.  That is why Jesus paid the price he did.

Picture by Pixabay

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