22 Nov

To people who are descendants of the twelve tribes everywhere: 

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has called to you and loves you with an undying love. Somewhere in your lineage you are a descendent from one of the twelve tribes. Not everyone has that lineage, that direct blood line. But you can boast in it. 

God called Joseph to Egypt through surreptitious means.  What his brothers meant for evil God meant for good. His brothers would learn that later in life. 

Years later, God using Moses, delivered the Israelites from Egypt and granted them land to take possession of and to dwell in. For years other nations looked longingly on them and feared them. However, they chose to be rebellious. The Old Testament recounts numerous times where Israel was rebellious and chose idolatry over Jehovah. This rebellion displeased God and after so long He would bring judgment on them. They did not like the judgement and would repent and ask forgiveness. God would then extend forgiveness to them. The cycle repeated many times. 

God dispersed the Israelites throughout the world, they lost their homeland and their blessings. In my estimation the ultimate penalty for their rejection of God and not obeying Him came when Hitler killed millions of them. 

God blessed them again and allowed Israel to become a nation May 14, 1948. The United States immediately recognized the new state which occupied territory in the original area God gave the twelve tribes. 

I would like to ask if you are hiding from or rejecting your heritage? Have you turned your back on your heritage? To those of you in congress, do some of your peers hate you? They hate Israel. If they hate Israel don’t be deceived about their feelings toward you.  

Do you hide your heritage hoping no one will notice? 

Your God, or the God you turned your back on, is my God. I am not ashamed of Him or of the nation of Israel. Are you going to let Antisemitism raise its ugly head and you do nothing about it? 

Antisemitism is on the rise globally. 

“The most dangerous place to be a Jew in Europe today is France—that’s the conclusion of an as-yet unpublished, two-year report on anti-Semitism in 11 European countries, conducted by former NYPD commissioner Raymond W. Kelly for Ronald S. Lauder, the former U.S. Ambassador to Austria.”  … 

Though the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe has been widely noted and condemned, Kelly’s report concludes that the threat to France’s 450,000 Jews—the world’s third-largest community, after Israel and the U.S.—is the most “acute.” Attacks and threats against French Jews surged 74 percent from 2017 to 2018, the report finds, and preliminary data for the first half of 2019 indicate “further intensification,” with another 75 percent increase last year. Moreover, the official estimates of some 500 attacks and anti-Semitic acts per year are “notoriously under reported,” according to the study, which contends that “no responsible individuals or even government representatives place much credence in these numbers.””  Judith Miller February 12, 2020 https://www.city-journal.org/france-anti-semitism 

“Nearly 200 scholars back UK lecturer who called Jewish students Israel ‘pawns’ David Miller of University of Bristol says he supports ‘end of Zionism,’ says Jews on campus are used by a ‘violent, racist, foreign regime engaged in ethnic cleansing’. 

JTA — About 200 academics from the United Kingdom and the United States have signed a petition defending a British university lecturer who had called Jewish students on his campus “pawns” of Israel, “a violent, racist, foreign regime engaged in ethnic cleansing.”” 

By CNAAN LIPHSHIZ 27 February 2021, 6:12 am  https://www.timesofisrael.com/nearly-200-scholars-back-uk-lecturer-who-called-jewish-students-israel-pawns/

“Despite COVID lockdowns, only slight drop in anti-Semitic incidents in Britain 

Security group records 1,668 anti-Jewish attacks in 2020, including 100 violent assaults, says pandemic fueling conspiracy theories 

Illustrative: People hold up placards and Union flags as they gather for a demonstration organized by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism outside the head office of the British opposition Labour Party in central London on April 8, 2018. (AFP/Tolga Akmen) 

JTA — British Jewry’s main security unit recorded 1,668 anti-Semitic incidents last year – an 8% drop from 2019 but still among the three highest tallies ever. 

Of the incidents recorded in 2020 by the Community Security Trust, or CST, 100 were violent assaults — a 39% drop in that category from 2019, according to the London-based organization’s Antisemitic Incidents Report 2020 published Thursday. Among those, three were severe.” By CNAAN LIPHSHIZ 

11 February 2021, 4:42 am  https://www.timesofisrael.com/despite-covid-lockdowns-anti-semitic-incidents-see-only-slight-drop-in-britain/ 

Neo-Nazi groups are creeping up across Europe spreading anti-Semitism sentiment. Some of these incidents are reported in The Times of Israel. https://www.timesofisrael.com/italian-police-arrest-neo-nazi-group-that-called-for-anti-jewish-attacks/  https://www.timesofisrael.com/calls-for-probe-into-spanish-neo-nazi-event-featuring-the-jew-is-guilty-speech/ 

In the United States there have been issues with anti-Semitism for years. According to the New York Times “Until the latest surge, anti-Semitic violence in recent years was largely considered a right-wing phenomenon, driven by a white supremacist movement emboldened by rhetoric from former President Donald J. Trump, who often trafficked in stereotypes.

Many of the most recent incidents, by contrast, have come from perpetrators expressing support for the Palestinian cause and criticism of Israel’s right-wing government. 

“This is why Jews feel so terrified in this moment,” Mr. Greenblatt said, observing that there are currents of anti-Semitism flowing from both the left and the right. “For four years it seemed to be stimulated from the political right, with devastating consequences.” But at the scenes of the most recent attacks, he noted, “no one is wearing MAGA hats.”” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/26/us/anti-semitism-attacks-violence.html 

You may choose to disown your heritage. That is your right. Jehovah gave you free will. If you deny Him, it hurts Him. If you deny your brothers and sisters, you will have to judge yourself. Have you turned your lust for self-fulfillment or power into your idol not fearing God? 

Antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world. Are you going to stand by silently? 

If you are a practicing Jew worshiping Yahweh do you know what the prophets say about His coming? Are you looking for Him?      

Picture by Pixabay

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